Jack Coulloupas : 0414 976 283
Office : 03 9778 9555
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who have a defined and limited range of hospitality operational skills and basic industry knowledge. They are involved in mainly routine and repetitive tasks and work under direct supervision.
This qualification provides a pathway to work in various hospitality settings, such as restaurants, hotels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafes and coffee shops.
Possible job titles include:
PATHWAYS INFORMATION: This qualification is suitable for VET in Schools (VETiS) delivery and for an Australian Apprenticeship pathway.
PATHWAYS INTO QUALIFICATION: Individuals may enter SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality with limited or no vocational experience and without a relevant lower-level qualification.
PATHWAYS FROM QUALIFICATION: After achieving SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality, individuals could progress to a wide range of other qualifications in the hospitality and broader service industries.
LICENSING/REGULATORY INFORMATION: No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of endorsement.
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: There are no entry requirements for this qualification.
QUALIFICATION & RECOGNITION: The Certificate II in Hospitality is granted on the successful completion of 6 core units, plus 6 elective units of competency and is recognised throughout Australia.
Students may be able to shorten the length of their course by applying for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) based on their skills acquired through work or life experiences, or through qualifications obtained from formal studies or training. An assessment process of RPL applications does apply.
AQF Qualifications and Statements of Attainment, issued by any other Registered Training Organisation, will be recognised by the institute.
Who Can Apply?
Looking for a career that interacts with people.
Want to develop skills & knowledge that you can use across the world.
Selection Criteria:
All resources and materials are provided online.
The course materials have been professionally developed for online participation and are designed so that information is provided in parcels for internet viewing and interaction.
At all times throughout the course/s, support is available from our industry experienced Trainers via email and / or mobile and face to face site visits.
If alternative support is required, it can be discussed and organised.
You will require a USI – Unique Student identifier, this is required as the units above are all nationally accredited courses/units. Commonwealth government requires the use of a USI to issue nationally accredited qualifications.
– A reasonably sound and efficient internet.
– Computer, Laptop or iPAD/Tablet (iPADs & Tablets have their limitations)
A mobile phone is inadequate
Course Enquires & Enrolments: Phone: 03 9778 9555 | Mobile: 0414 976 283
Email: jack@ivet.vic.edu.au
Course Support
iVET recognises that each learner will have individual learning requirements. In cooperation with the learner IVET will endeavour to meet these to achieve a successful outcome of the learner’s chosen course. In striving to achieve a successful outcome for the learner, iVET will examine alternative strategies. Where the need arises alternative strategies may include, but not limited to:
Course Length
Course length may vary due to the nature of the flexible delivery that may be adopted on an individual basis.
Assessment of competencies involves written responses, presentations, observation checklists and supplementary forms of evidence using our online resources and on-the-job observation.
Opportunities for Further Study or Pathways
Graduates of the Certificate II in Hospitality will be well equipped to pursue further studies in fields associated with the industry, such as Certificate III or Certificate IV in Hospitality. Students may be eligible for some credits for studies already undertaken. However, students should consult the Institute prior to application.
Commencement Date(s)
Please contact the Institute of Vocational Education and Training for commencement dates.
Please contact the Institute for the current price schedule and possible payment plans
We are based in the Eastern Suburbs, however as delivery is workplace based, while you are working you are learning, supplemented with our online learning resources and scheduled trainer visits, where you are, is not an issue for you.
No classes to attend.
03 9778 9555 / 0414 976283
Email: jack@ivet.vic.edu.au
Qualification Title: Certificate II in Hospitality
Qualification Code: SIT20322
Description: Food and Beverage attendant in a Restaurant, Café, Hotel, Function/Event centre and Club
Occupation/Workplace position: Food & Beverage Attendant, Bar Attendant
Units of Competency: 12 units – 6 core & 6 electives
Asterisk (*) & curser (^) (as below) indicates a prerequisite is required for the unit and will be one or both of the units below.
* Prerequisite for each unit is SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
^ Prerequisite for each unit is SITHFAB021 Provide responsible service of alcohol
Refer to links below:
Core Unit: BSBTWK201 – Work effectively with others
Core Unit: SITHIND006 – Source and use information on the hospitality industry
Core Unit: SITHIND007 – Use hospitality skills effectively
Core Unit: SITXCCS011 – Interact with customers
Core Unit: SITXCOM007 – Show social and cultural sensitivity
Core Unit: SITXWHS005 – Participate in safe work practices
Refer to Links Below:
Elective unit: SITXFSA005 – Use hygienic practices for food safety
Elective unit: SITHFAB021 – Provide responsible service of alcohoL
Elective unit: SITHFAB024 – Prepare and serve non-alcoholic beverages *
Elective unit: SITHFAB025 – Prepare and serve espresso coffee *
Elective unit: SITHFAB027 – Serve food and beverage *^
Elective unit: SITHFAB023 – Operate a bar *^
Australian Institute Of Vocational Training & Education Pty Ltd | ABN 78 127 526 505 | ACN 127 526 505
RTOID : 22304
Please contact us to discuss your training needs.
Jack Coulloupas : 0414 976 283
Office : 03 9778 9555
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