Jack Coulloupas : 0414 976 283
Office : 03 9778 9555
LCV – Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) (formerly the VGCCC – RSA)
Nationally accredited unit:
SITHFAB021– Provide responsible service of alcohol.
It is a legal requirement throughout Australia when serving alcohol in the Hospitality Industry to have completed a Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) Certificate of the relevant state authority.
In Victoria it is now the Liquor Control Victoria (formerly VGCCC)
The LCV, as of October 2020 has adopted a national approach in the delivery of the RSA program. The LCV (formerly VGCCC) has adopted the unit of competency SITHFAB021 Provide responsible service of alcohol from the SIT Training Package, making it a nationally accredited unit.
This unit covers the RSA skill and knowledge requirements common to all States and Territories and is the requirement of LCV for the completion of the Victorian RSA training.
iVET provides delivery of this unit online and/or face to face, using our quality audio/visual learning resources with full access to an accredited industry Trainer.
Once enrolled, our interactive learning resources and assessments are all online 24/7 for your convenience and ease of submission. And you have multiple opportunities for submission. You can progress leisurely or make it happen quickly.
Once you have successfully completed the LCV – RSA course you will receive your Victorian LCV: Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA)Certificate of Completion and a Statement of Attainment for the unit SITHFAB021 Provide responsible service of alcohol.
iVET and its trainers are accredited with the LCV (formerly VGCCC) to deliver the LCV – RSA course.
The RSA Course Covers:
• Sell or serve alcohol responsibly.
• Facts about alcohol.
• Intoxication.
• Assist customers to drink within appropriate limits.
• Assess alcohol affected customers & identify those to whom sale or service must must be refused.
• Refuse to provide alcohol.
• Underage.
• Handling difficult customers.
In choosing iVET:
• We provide a Liquor Control Victoria (formerly VGCCC) approved Certificate of Completion
• Hospitality experienced and LCV approved trainers.
Get started, enrol, start that job!
Our trainers are hospitality experienced people that will add context to the program giving relevance to the content of the program.
Once you have successfully completed the RSA course you will receive your Liquor Control Victoria RSA Certificate of Completion (LCV – RSA)
It is a legal requirement throughout Australia when serving alcohol in the Hospitality Industry to have completed a Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) Certificate of the relevant state authority.
The Victorian authority for the RSA program is:
The Liquor Control Victoria (formerly VGCCC)
Enrolment is completed online through our website – https://www.ivet.vic.edu.au
A copy of a form of ID that suits you e.g., Driver’s License (both sides of the License is required), Passport.
Payment is via our website.
You will require a USI – Unique Student identifier, this is required as the unit above isa nationally accredited unit. The Commonwealth government requires the use of a USI to issue nationally accredited qualifications.
All resources and materials are provided online.
The course materials have been professionally developed for online participation and are designed so that information is provided in parcels for internet viewing and interaction.
At all times throughout the course/s, support is available from our industry experienced Trainers via email and / or mobile. If alternative support is required, it can be discussed and organised.
For all the courses, the assessments are provided online and to be submitted online via your course portal. Unless other arrangements are discussed.
The assessment requirements are a mix of Multiple choice, Short answer questions, Role plays / Case studies. When required, precise feedback is provided for your ease of completion.
Very important to remember, you will always have the support and feedback provided from start to finish.
– A reasonably sound and efficient internet.
– Computer, Laptop or iPAD/Tablet (iPADs / Tablets have their limitations).
A mobile phone is inadequate.
Get started, enrol, start that job!
Course Enquires & Enrolments: Phone: 03 9778 9555 | Mobile: 0414 976 283
Email: jack@ivet.vic.edu.au
Australian Institute Of Vocational Training & Education Pty Ltd | ABN 78 127 526 505 | ACN 127 526 505
RTOID : 22304
Please contact us to discuss your training needs.
Jack Coulloupas : 0414 976 283
Office : 03 9778 9555
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